Senin, 09 April 2012


 1st Album 'Definitely Maybe'
        Oasis came out of Britain in the mid-90's blazing a rock and roll trail with Definitely Maybe, then a year later with (What's the Story) Morning Glory. Both of these albums rank among my favorite rock and roll albums of the 90's.
   Not very grundge but definitely alternative, Liam and Noel Gallagher created some of the best anthemic rock and roll songs played during the 90's.
Possibly my favorite Oasis song is "Live Forever" on Definitely Maybe. This one song, in my mind, held the great potential that this band could achieve, and subsequently lost.

Noel Gallagher
Morning Glory is definitely a classic 90's album but it was Oasis' peak. They haven't been the same since that release in '95. The brothers just couldn't keep it together and wound up fighting and creating other drama with their drinking and other strange mess. A potentially great band lost to virtual 90's obscurity. Oasis may in fact release new albums, but they will not live up to the greatness that was the mid 90's for this band and that, to me, is a waste. I loved this band. I can hope for a resurgence, but so far, in the 21st century they haven't found the old magic.

3 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

de best damn band of my life!!! \m/

Yasintha Tolok mengatakan...

this is so youuu!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown mengatakan...

definetely me!! \m/

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